Friday, October 15, 2021

October 18th - 22nd

Calendar Dates:

October 15th - Report Cards will go home via E.Mail
October 21st - Boosterthon Fun Run @ 9:30
(parents you are welcome to come cheer us on outside!)

Important Information:

Meet Your Kindergarten Teachers

We are so glad to have all of our virtual students back in the classroom! We wanted to be sure that all of you knew that at Town Center Elementary we are departmentalized in Kindergarten.  That means that your child travels with his or her class throughout the school day to each of our classrooms! We all love seeing all the students in kindergarten everyday! Below you can put a face with a name (from left)
Mrs. Torti - Language Arts (Reading and Writing)
Mrs. Brehm - Science and Social Studies
Miss Rice - Math

St. Ann's Thanksgiving Basket

Every year St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Coppell provides Thanksgiving baskets with supplies to cook a turkey a dinner to those in need. If you could benefit from this assistance, please click on the link below and fill out the Google form as accurately as possible. By completing this form you understand this information will be shared with St. Ann’s Catholic Church for distribution of your basket. Please fill out this form no later than October 25th, 2021. Thank you!

TCE Yearbook 

Book Character Pumpkin Extravaganza

GT Screening

Boosterthon Fun Run

We're two weeks away from our TCE Fun Run Fundraiser! Our goal is to raise $15,000 for PTO funds that support classroom grants and school resources. Our fundraising event will be a "fun run" during the school day on October 21st. All families get to participate in the TCE Fun Run event day, regardless of financial participation. Registration is officially open on

1. Register your child(ren) on It is free and takes 30 seconds!
*We have an incentive for each classroom that gets all students registered by October 13th!*

2. Share with 5 family/friends using the share tools on (Facebook, Text Message, or Email). Students will earn rewards just for sharing from

3. Give a donation if you are able to give. You can pledge money per lap or just a flat donation--every bit makes a difference!

A few things to know about the fundraiser:
All families can support our school either by donating, sharing on, or both.
Students can receive rewards when parents share from
All students get to participate in the TCE Fun Run event day, regardless of financial participation.
This fundraiser comes with an incredible character development program for students where they'll be learning about the importance of teamwork, care, courage, grit, and celebration. Our campus is working hard to make this fundraiser safe, fun, and successful for everyone!

Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!

Reading Rainbow BINGO 

Last week a Red Bingo card was sent home. Each time your child turns in the completed colored card (Books they read), they earn a jibbitz bracelet (red bingo card) and a charm to add to the bracelet. Each time they turn in a colored card they earn a charm for their bracelet. In May, if your child has completed all Rainbow colored cards, they will get an INVITE to attend a SPECIAL PARTY!

Ms. Martin's Parent Newsletter

What We Are Learning:

Language Arts

Writer's Workshop: We will continue to practice writing sentences in our journal! This week we will learn how to write two sentences on a single topic using capital letters, spaces between words, and ending punctuation. We will also get two new SNAP words: are / go.

Phonics: We will learn how to use and read our ABC Chart! This ABC Chart will help us with letter names and sounds. It will be a great resource for reading and writing!

Readers Workshop:  We will read and listen to books about fall! We will practice reading and re-reading to learn more! 


In Math this week, we will begin diving deeper into our numeracy skills. This week we will focus on representing our numbers to10. This means being able to show our numbers in different ways like drawing pictures, using counters,  using a ten frame,  tally marks, and so much more! 


This week we will continue with Movement and Location by comparing object's location to another location through various Force and Motion stations (hands on activities). We will have so much fun exploring, predicting, and investigating Physical Science!

Scientist of the Week: I am looking forward to our "Scientist of the Week'. All students will get an opportunity to share an experiment with their class throughout the year. I will send home information with the "Scientist" the Friday before the experiment is due. Can't wait to see your Little Scientist!!

Social Studies

Learners will celebrate National Patriotic holidays such as Veteran's Day, Independence Day, Presidents Day, etc. by associating how we celebrate with parades and Fireworks in America. We will have our own parade and create a fun and easy Sparkler (paper) to show how we can celebrate Patriotic holidays.

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