Friday, January 27, 2017

January 30th - February 3rd

What we’re      
Workin’ on this week..
Language Arts / Social Studies
This week in LA / SS we will continue working on our literacy stations that focus on our knowledge of penguins from Science.    We will learn two new word wall words: "they" and "you."  Everyone is doing an awesome job with their journal writing and handwriting skills! We are learning how to write on the Handwriting Without Tears lined paper so that we can begin using our new journals soon!


Next week we will be continuing our studies on measurement. We will continue to focus on measuring objects using nonstandard units of measurement (no rulers/ things with numbers). Please help your child remember that when they are measuring the length of an object, they need to measure going from edge to edge. This will help lay the foundation of the importance of starting and stopping at the correct places! Soon we will be learning all about weight and capacity! We cannot wait to explore all the different forms of measurement! 

Our vocabulary words will be:  length, capacity, weight, more, less, attribute, longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, and compare.  

Extend your learning at home!
If you have not completed the flipped lesson at home with your child, please see the email/note below so that your child can complete the activity and you send in a picture for us to print off!

We have started our  study on measurement in the classroom. We will be using nonstandard units (pencils, paper clips, blocks, markers, straws….) first to help grasp the concept of measurement before we move towards standard units. (inches, feet….- this will be done later in other grade levels) Please watch the short video at home with your child and then help your child make a list of different things that they do measure each day. You can talk about the different tools you use to measure as well as non-standard units that you could use to measure some of those same things. We will be discussing different objects that can be measured tomorrow! If your child would like to measure something using nonstandard units of measurement, please feel free to send your child's math teacher ( or a picture and we will be sure to share it with the class as well as print it out so they can glue themselves into their math journal! J
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch and discuss this with your child!


We are continuing our study on penguins! We will be learning all about the different parts of penguins as well as about the different kinds of penguins! (Most kiddos do not know about the large variety of penguins that live in this world!) We will be doing research on all the types of penguins, as well as having a few engineering opportunities during our studies! We cannot wait to tell you all that we learn as well as show you the things that we engineer!

Important Dates... 
February 14th- Class Valentine's Parties at 2:00 p.m.
(parents are welcome to come to our party!)
February 15th- Class Picture Day
February 16th- Engineering Extravaganza Night (@ TCE from 5:30-7:00)
February 20th- Student Holiday (No school- Presidents Day)
February 24th- Jump Rope For Heart (@1:20-2:10)

100th Day of School

The 100th day of school is coming up! We are so excited that we have almost made it to 100! We have some fun activities planned for the learners throughout the day that we cannot wait to show you! We will be sending home a little homework for you and your child to do together. Each child will collect and count out 100 of the same things at home. When you have 100 of your collected items, please place your items in an appropriate sized ziplock baggie and send it and the form telling the class what was collected back! We will be making a board of what 100 looks like! We cannot wait to see all the different varieties of 100 things! Thank you for helping your child with this project! ( This is also a wonderful time to practice counting to 100!) Please bring this in by Thursday, February 2nd!

Celebrating Chinese New Year!

Today we had the privilege to hear from one of our kindergarten moms, Ms. Tran about the Chinese New year! We were able to hear about some of the different traditions that they partake in! Thank you for taking the time to teach all of kindergarten about your culture and traditions! We loved it!

Design Challenge!

Calling all engineers! We are looking to see who can build the tallest snowman using the list of given materials! Please click on the link below to read the directions as well as the rules! Happy designing!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Kindergarten News January 16th - January 20th

What we’re      
Workin’ on this week..
Language Arts / Social Studies
This week in LA we will continue reading fiction stories about winter and snow!  We will also continue our new literacy stations and begin working on our lowercase letter formations in our handwriting book.   Book Bags will come home on Monday, please read each night and then return the books and book bags on Friday!  We will be doing some middle of the year language arts assessments as well! Once we are done we will give you all the results! 


Next week we will be working on learning attributes of 3D shapes. When we are looking at the shapes we are looking to identify the shape name, number of faces as well as number vertices! 

3D Shape name
Vertices (Where two or more sides meet)
Number of faces (flat or curved)
1 Curved face
2 flat faces
1 curved face
6 flat faces
1 flat face
1 curved face

A reminder of the 2D shapes we have learned about in class this past week and their attributes! 

The vocabulary that we are learning this week is: 

A closed figure with straight sides
Polygons with exactly 4 sides
Polygon with exactly 3 sides
Rectangle ▭
Polygon with 4 sides and 4 square corners (Two pairs of parallel lines)
Square ▢
Polygon with 4 sides and 4 square corners and all sides are the same length (Two pairs of parallel lines, all right angles and all sides are congruent)

**A square is a special type of rectangle because it still has 4 sides and 4 square corners; it is special because all those sides are the same length
Circle ⃝
A closed figure with a curved side
Other vocabulary to know:

Extending your Learning at Home:

  • Look around your house to see if you can find any of the shapes that we are studying about
 Click here to learn about 2D shapes!

Click here to learn about 3D shapes!
  • Make a picture out of a given shape. Example: Draw a circle for your child and encourage them to create something from that circle--- a donut, a face, a ballon....  (Just make sure that the original shape given is in a different color!) 
(A ______ is just a _____ until you add a ____. Then it is a ____)


We are going to start our study on penguins! We will be learning all about the different parts of penguins as well as about the different kinds of penguins! (Most kiddos do not know about the large variety of penguins that live in this world!) We will be doing research on all the types of penguins as well as having a few engineering opportunities during our studies! We cannot wait to tell you all that we learn as well as show you the things that we engineer!

Important Dates... 
January 16th- No school- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 14th- Class Valentine's Party
February 15th- Class Picture Day
February 16th- Engineering Extravaganza Night (@ TCE from 5:30-7:00)
February 20th- Student Holiday (No school- Presidents Day)
February 24th- Jump Rope For Heart (@1:20-2:10)

Texans of the week

K2- Varissa
K3- Shioban
k4- Quinn

K1- Shawn
K2- Alexander
K3- Ryko
K4- Jiya

Design Challenge!

Calling all engineers! We are looking to see who can build the tallest snowman using the list of given materials! Please click on the link below to read the directions as well as the rules! Happy designing!

Calling all cooks!! 
We are having a competition throughout the school to see how many different recipes each class and grade level can bring in! Kindergarten would love to win!!! If you have any great reciepes, please send them in to! 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Kindergarten News: January 9th- January 13th

What we’re      
Workin’ on this week..
Language Arts / Social Studies
This week in LA we will be reading fiction stories about winter and snow! (That is so appropriate for today, I don't know about Tuesday though! :) )  We will also be going to some new literacy stations and learning two more word wall words:  "for" and "me."  We have been practicing and reviewing the 20 Word Wall Words that we have already learned too!  This week we will also get started on learning and practicing our lowercase letter formations!  Book Bags will come home on Monday, please read each night and then return the books and book bags on Friday!


Next week we will be working on learning attributes of 2D shapes. When we are looking at the shapes we are looking to identify the shape name, number of sides as well as number corners /vertices! 

The vocabulary that we are learning this week is: 

A closed figure with straight sides
Polygons with exactly 4 sides
Polygon with exactly 3 sides
Rectangle ▭
Polygon with 4 sides and 4 square corners (Two pairs of parallel lines)
Square ▢
Polygon with 4 sides and 4 square corners and all sides are the same length (Two pairs of parallel lines, all right angles and all sides are congruent)

**A square is a special type of rectangle because it still has 4 sides and 4 square corners; it is special because all those sides are the same length
Circle ⃝
A closed figure with a curved side
Other vocabulary to know:

Extending your Learning at Home:

  • Look around your house to see if you can find any of the shapes that we are studying about
 Click here to watch a 2D shape video!
  • Make a picture out of a given shape. Example: Draw a circle for your child and encourage them to create something from that circle--- a donut, a face, a ballon....  (Just make sure that the original shape given is in a different color!) 


We start our study on weather, especially winter weather! We will be looking at different patterns in the weather that we see in the different seasons as well as making a cool career connection to a meteorologist!  How cool is it that we actually got to see some winter weather today?!?!?

Check us out making it "snow" in our room!

Important Dates... 
January 6th- Spirit Rally (@ 8:15)
January 12th- Skate Night (6:30-8:30) at Interskate
January 16th- No school- Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Calling all cooks!! 
We are having a competition throughout the school to see how many different recipes each class and grade level can bring in! Kindergarten would love to win!!! If you have any great reciepes, please send them in to!