Friday, April 29, 2016

Kindergarten News: May 2nd- May 6th

What we’re      
Workin’ on this week..

Language Arts

 This week we will be working on some cute and fun gifts for our Muffins for Mom Day, on Friday, May 6th!  We are keeping our fun gifts a secret so don't ask too many questions!!! :)

We will also keep working on our reading and writing skills! I am so proud of everyone!  They are doing an awesome job in their writing journals as well as on their reading books and book bags! Thanks for all your help and support at home!
We have been working hard on addition and subtraction! We have learned so many strategies and most of us have found what strategies work best for us!
We will be introducing mixed addition and subtraction problems and knowing what to do when we see a plus sign or a minus sign.
(Our decomposing and composing of numbers that we have been working on is helping us solve our problems so quickly! If your child is still struggling with this, please continue to work with them on building numbers- 3 can be decomposed into 2 and 1, 5 can be decomposed into 3 and 2..)
*As a challenge, have your child write an addition or subtraction story problem and solve it using their favorite strategy!

We have been working on collecting data and turning it into a graph! As a challenge, have your child collect data and turn it into a graph of their choice! ( We have polled our classes on favorite ice cream, favorite animals, favorite vegetables. You and your child to take a walk and collect information on what animals you see on your walk, or what types/kinds of different things you see) I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Click here to print a premade empty graph to fill out



We will continue next week with learning about Force and Motion. Can you move a ball without touching it? Learners will predict, graph, count, Tally, and reflect on "Bowling Experiment" to see if they can move a ball without touching.  Learners will complete an Activity Reader on Positional Words. 


 Social Studies

We will continue to learn about Landforms in Social Studies.  We will create a flip book about our Earth.  We will learn how landforms have a characteristic shape and can include features as plains, plateaus, mountains, and valleys, etc., and smaller features such as hills and canyons.   


Important Dates... 

May 6th - Kindergarten Muffins for Mom- In kindergarten classrooms- 8:15

May 9th, 10th and 11th- STAAR TESTING (upper grades) No visitors.

May 20th- Field Day!!

May 30th- No school! Memorial day

June 2nd- Last day of school

Design Challenge:

We are having another design challenge this month to showcase our students' creative and innovative ideas! Your child may create any kind of insect/ bug using various types of materials for us to display on our front bulletin board or in the library. We cannot wait to see all of the creative ideas you will come up with!

Library News:
The 2015-2016 school year is quickly starting to come to an end! The library has asked that we let you know a few dates that will be coming soon to return your books by!
Friday, May 13th- Last day for students to check out books from TCE
Friday, May 20th- all library books are due!
*If you are unsure if you still have a book out, feel free to send Ms. Montgomery an email at
Field Trip
The field trip was a huge success! We had the best time and were able to learn so much from our presenter, Judy. Thank you all for sending your child with everything they needed for the day! Thank you to everyone who was able to chaperone! We could not have done this without you and we truly appreciate you helping us with groups! It went seamlessly because of all the help we had! Thank you again!
STAAR Testing Days:

Due to state regulations, we will not be able to have any visitors on STAAR testing days. Our last round of tests will be on May 9th, May 10th and May 11th. Thank you so much for your understanding!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Happy National Kindergarten Day

April 21st was National Kindergarten Day!!!

Kindergarten News: April 25th- April 29th

What we’re      
Workin’ on this week..

Language Arts

 This week we will be working on some cute and fun gifts for our Muffins for Mom Day, on Friday, May 6th!  We are keeping our fun gifts a secret so don't ask too many questions!!! :)

We will also keep working on our reading and writing skills! I am so proud of everyone!  They are doing an awesome job in their writing journals as well as on their reading books and book bags! Thanks for all your help and support at home!
We have been working hard on addition and subtraction! We have learned so many strategies and most of us have found what strategies work best for us! ( So far we have learned: Draw a picture, count objects, count on your fingers, use a number line, count on  and use counting beads -rekenrek)
We will be introducing mixed addition and subtraction problems and knowing what to do when we see a plus sign or a minus sign.
(Our decomposing and composing of numbers that we have been working on is helping us solve our problems so quickly! If your child is still struggling with this, please continue to work with them on building numbers- 3 can be decomposed into 2 and 1, 5 can be decomposed into 3 and 2..)
*As a challenge, have your child write an addition or subtraction story problem and solve it using their favorite strategy!

We are also working hard on counting by 1's past 120 and counting by 10's past 130. Keep working hard on this!

We have been working on collecting data and turning it into a graph! As a challenge, have your child collect data and turn it into a graph of their choice! ( We have polled our classes on favorite ice cream, favorite animals, favorite vegetables. You and your child to take a walk and collect information on what animals you see on your walk, or what types/kinds of different things you see) I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Click here to print a premade empty graph to fill out

If you need further help of ideas to graph about and how to collect your data please watch the video below!


We will begin our unit on Force and Motion. There are many forces at work in our daily activities, such as a soccer ball being kicked, (force), and as it is moving through the air, there are movements (motion).  Vocabulary words we will be using for this unit will be push, pull, motion, position, gravity, and force. 

 Social Studies

Landforms are so much fun to learn about!  We will go on a Landform Scavenger Hunt with QR Codes, Create a Landform Book, play "Around the World", I have.. who has.... landform pictures, and choose words that are Landform or Not Landforms.   


Important Dates... 

April 29th- Kindergarten Field Trip to the Heard Museum

May 6th - Kindergarten Muffins for Mom- In kindergarten classrooms- 8:15

May 20th- Field Day!!

May 30th- No school! Memorial day

Texan Town Popcorn:
 Learners can purchase a subscription for $1.00 for the next 2 weeks of school. Learners are still able to purchase a bag each week for $0.50.
 Texan Town Dates: May 6th and 13th

Field Trip:

The field trip is finally here! This Friday we will be going to the Heard Museum and Nature Preserve. Please have your child wear their red class shirt, shorts or jeans and tennis shoes. There will be a lot of walking and it is best that the kids are comfortable!
Your child will also need to bring a labeled disposable water bottle and a labeled sack lunch that can be thrown away at the museum. (No lunch boxes please)

 If you are chaperoning, please make sure you have filled out a background check with CISD by clicking the link below.  If you are not sure if you have done this or not please contact Mrs. Fairchild, our school secretary.

Design Challenge:

We are having another design challenge this month to showcase our students' creative and innovative ideas! Your child may create any kind of insect/ bug using various types of materials for us to display on our front bulletin board or in the library. We cannot wait to see all of the creative ideas you will come up with!



Thursday, April 21, 2016

Family Camp Out - Friday, April 22nd

Town Center Family Camp Out
This Friday, April 22nd, Town Center will be hosting their annual family camp out! This will be a night of family fun close to home! There will be Hard Eight BBQ and CiCi's Pizza to eat as we watch a movie under the stars! The next morning we will have donuts and coffee for breakfast until we run out. This family event is hosted by our very own Dad's Club! If you would like to register to be part of this fun event please click on the link below!
*When you register make sure you include the parent cell number on the box indicated. This will be used by the Dad's cam coordinator as a means for communication.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Farmer Kemp comes to speak to our class!

Guest Speaker
Today we were lucky to get to have a guest speaker on a cool career! Farmer Kemp and Farmer Greg came to visit our classes! We were able to see some of their special birds, hear about all that they do, as well as ask any further questions that we might have had after studying chickens! Thank you so much to Farmer Kemp and Farmer Greg for providing us with the eggs as well as the support throughout our studies! We couldn't do it without you!



Kindergarten News: April 18th- April 22nd

What we’re      
Workin’ on this week..

Language Arts

 This week we will be learning our new word wall words: "was" and "where".  We did not get to them last week!  We will also continue to practice our writing in our daily journals! Everyone is doing so awesome!

We will also keep reading some books by Kevin Henkes!  He is such fun author who writes darling children's books! If you have any Kevin Henkes books at home that you would be willing to share with us please send them to school and I will read them to the class and send them back! Thanks! We are also doing some Kevin Henkes activities in our Daily 5 stations! We are having fun!


We have been working on addition with all of our strategies and we are now talking about subtraction.  We will continue to practice our strategies to find which one each learner feels most comfortable with when adding and subtracting! Be sure to ask your child which strategy they like the most! ( So far we have learned: Draw a picture, count objects, count on your fingers, use a number line, count on  and use counting beads -rekenrek)

Please remember that reflex math is a great tool to use at home for your child to work on their fact fluency. Please be sure to have your child do the work, because when they pass a level, they move onto a harder level.  If your child becomes frustrated, you can always work on fact fluency with a paper and pencil. This way they can practice strategies learned in the classroom until they can see the patterns.
*If you need the login information again for reflex math, please email me @ and I will be happy to send that to you!


We had so much fun with our baby CHICKS!  The learners were able to play and hold them!  Super cute pictures of holding baby chicks.  I am so glad many of you were able to watch the chicks hatching on the web cam.

 In Science next week, we will be studying about "Properties of Objects".  We will sort and describes objects by their properties (color, texture, size, shape, material, length, and weight)

Social Studies
Next Friday is Earth Day. Learners will be participating in activities all week that help us learn how we can take care of the Earth.  We will learn about reduce, reuse, and recycle to protect our Earth. 


Important Dates... 

April 21st- Engineering Extravaganza 5:30-7:00

April 22nd- Spring Spirit Run @ 1:20 - 2:10

April 29th- Kindergarten Field Trip to the Heard Museum

May 6th - Kindergarten Muffins for Mom- In kindergarten classrooms- 8:15

May 20th- Field Day!!

May 30th- No school! Memorial day

Texan Town Popcorn:
 Learners can purchase a subscription for $1.50 for the next 3 weeks of school. Learners are still able to purchase a bag each week for $0.50.
Dates: April 22nd
May 6th and 13th
Engineering Extravaganza:
 This is a time that you and your child will be able to rotate to different stations throughout the building to work through different engineering challenges! Please join us on April 21st from 5:30 to 7:00.

A note from Ms. Garrett: If you can donate any of the items below, please take directly to Ms. Garrett in the music room.

Hello everyone!

If you would be please help with collecting some materials for the "Making a Musical Instrument" challenge, it would be greatly appreciated. We need help with collecting the following:

  • empty cereal boxes 
  • empty containers of various sizes plastic water bottles/plastic soda bottles
  • paper towel rolls

 Thank you!

Becky Garrett

Field Trip:

  If you are planning to chaperone please make sure you have filled out a background check with CISD by clicking the link below.  If you are not sure if you have done this or not Mrs. Fairchild, our school secretary, can help you!