Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 17th - 21st

Calendar Dates

April 21st - Kindergarten "Down on the Farm" (see below for more details)
April 26th - Author Visit at School
April 28th - Sun Run during Specials (1:20)
May 2nd - Andy's Frozen Custard Spirit Night
May 4th - Spring Family Picnic (6:00 - 7:30)
May 17th - Pinstack Spirit Night

Important Information:

Library Books and Book Bags

Please return Library books on Monday so your child can get a new book to take home!
Thank you so much for reading with your children at home!

TCE Terrific Texans

Last week we started a school-wide recognition called Terrific Texan. Throughout the week the learners can earn a Terrific Texan Ticket for outstanding citizenship, leadership and behavior from any teacher in the school. Each time that they earn a ticket they add it to our Kindergarten box. At the end of the day on Friday, Ms. Martin will draw 3 names from each grade to read over the announcements! A new round of earning tickets will begin next week! Keep up the great work!

Author Visit

We are so excited to have the author, Nancy Churnin, is coming to TCE to visit with our learners on April 26th. She is an award-winning children's book author who writes about people who have made the world a better place.

She will sign copies of her books for learners. This is optional, but if you are interested in purchasing one of her books through Amazon or a book seller, please send it to school with a sticky note including your child's name and homeroom class by Tuesday, April 25th. I will collect books from homeroom teachers. Thanks.

Please see Amazon link HERE for her books.

May 6 Bond Election Information

Coppell ISD residents, who are registered to vote may cast a ballot in the May 6 Bond Election. Voters will be asked to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the $321.5 million bond measure on May 6. In accordance with state law, the bond referendum will be presented as four separate propositions.
Campus-specific Bond project information detailing the projects each campus will receive is available here.
Bond Informational Video: May 2023 Bond.

Kindergarten "Down on the Farm" Petting Zoo!

We are SO excited for our Kindergarten "Come to you" Field Trip on April 21st! We will be having a Kindergarten Day on the Farm complete with a petting zoo! Please send in your signed permission slip so your child can participate in this fun event! If your child wants to dress in "farm" attire (overalls, boots, cowboy hats, etc.), they are MORE than welcome to!!

Ms. Martin's Parent Newsletter

Ms. Matlock's Counselor Newsletter

Take a Peek at our Week

Language Arts

Writer's Workshop:
This week in Writer's Workshop we will continue with our new "first grade writing journals!" We will focus on adding details and "writing more." Everyone is gaining so much confidence in their writing and I am so proud of them!

Reader's Workshop:
This week in Reader's workshop we will work on extending our reading and focusing on building stamina and reading for longer amounts of time. We will add some layers to our reader's workshop in order to give students a variety of ways and activities to continue to build their reading skills.
Thanks so much for reading book bag books at home! It makes such a difference!

We will also read some fiction and non-fiction books about animals on the farm.  We will discuss the characteristics of non-fiction text and write some of our own non-fiction too! 


In Math this week, we will be learning all about shapes! Last week we reviewed 2D shapes and their attributes, and this week we will apply that learning to 3D shapes! We will learn vocabulary terms like faces, edges, and vertices to describe our 3D shapes. We will also become experts at finding real-world examples of these shapes! 

Social Studies

Earth Day is April 22nd!   We will be celebrating Earth Day this week by showing how we can keep our planet from pollution, our water clean, and saving endangered animals, and plants.  We will learn how it is our job to make sure our Earth stays clean and healthy! It will be a Fun Week caring for our EARTH! 


In Science this week, we will be studying the Life Cycles of Butterflies, Penguins, Chickens, and Frogs to better understand how living things can grow and change.  A life cycle is a series of stages a living thing goes through during its life.  We are so excited to see real baby animals at our "Down on the Farm "Petting Zoo on Friday!  

Scientist's of the Week:

K1 - Diana

K1 - Dhrona

K2 - Tirzah

K2 - Matthew

K3 - Lathian

K3 - Adrita

K3 - Diya

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