Calendar Dates:
May 23rd - TCE Field Day
(please see info in your child's folder from Friday and links below!)
May 27th - Last Day of School and Early Release @ 12:30!!
Important Information
Book Bags / Library Books
All library books and book bags are now PAST DUE! If you have any library books or book bags at your home, please return them ASAP!
Field Day
If you would like to volunteer to help with Field Day, please use the links below:
Parent Volunteers:
Field Day Classroom Walkers:
As a reminder, you MUST have a background check completed to volunteer for a station or walk with your class!
Background Check:
Last Week of School
It is almost time to send our sweet Kindergartners off to FIRST grade! But before we do, we have a few things we want to do FIRST! Here is how we will be celebrating the final week of school:
This flyer will also come home in your child's folder next week!
From PTO
My name is Heather Thurgood, and I am the PTO President-elect for the next school year. You may not be aware, but it takes many volunteers to help run the PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization). We could really use more volunteers as we have a lot of open PTO Board positions. Some positions require hands-on work at the school, but some just need emails sent and can be done from work or home in the evenings.
Some of the openings include: Field Day Coordinator, Yearbook, Teacher Appreciation Week, Spirit Wear Coordinator, Fundraising, Write-A-Check Coordinator, Kindergarten Roundup, and Lead Volunteer Coordinator. If you aren't comfortable or able to lead one of these positions, you can be on the committee and help.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss filling a board position. Our PTO is an important part in the success of our schools. We need your help.
Heather or 801-910-6436
Ms. Martin's Parent Newsletter
Take a Peek at our Week
Language Arts
We will be reviewing concepts learned over the course of the school year! We will wrap up our writing review, non-fiction unit review, and celebrate all of our success as readers and writers!
We Love Kindergarten!
In Math this week, we will be finishing our measurement unit. This week we will learn all about width and height. We will also complete some fun Math Stations to practice ALL of the measurement skills we've learned this unit!
In science this week, we will be finishing our Life Science Unit on Plants. We will observe plants and their life cycle, basic needs, and characteristics. We will visit our TCE garden and observe the plants and vegetables that are growing in our garden.
Social Studies
In Social Studies we will review our Citizenship qualities and how citizenship means that you're part of a group that leads us all in kindness, honesty, integrity, responsibility, and can be a problem solver!