Welcome to our Kindergarten blog! Each week we will update this with important information, reminders, dates for your calendar, plus a peek into our week! Thank you for taking the time to read it.
What We Are Learning
Language Arts
In Writing Workshop this week we will continue writing a sentence in our journals! Our sentence will be an "I like...." sentence and we will illustrate a picture that matches our words. We will learn about how sentences begin with a capital letter, end with a period, and have spaces between words!
In Reading Workshop we will continue our unit on being storybook readers! We will be going back to the library on Monday so please send library books back to school on Monday!
In Phonics we will continue to talk about the common sounds that letters represent!
We are also learning about the difference between letters, words, and sentences. We are learning about how letters make up words and words make up sentences.
In Math this week, we will be take what we have learned about numbers and start comparing! We will learn the words greater, less, and equal. We will be able to compare numbers, pictures, and objects!
In Science this week, we will learn about ENERGY. We will learn about heat, light, and sound energy. We will explore natural and manmade sources of each of these types of energy.
Social Studies
In Social Studies this week we will continue to learn about jobs in our homes, schools, and communities! We will keep discussing community helpers around our community and talk about why people have jobs!
Ms. Martin's Principal Newsletter
Click HERE for Ms. Martin's Principal Newsletter
Calendar Dates:
October 7th - Early Release
October 8th - No School for Students
October 11th - No School for Students
Important Information
Fall Conferences
Please check your email for a note from your child's teacher about signing up for Parent Teacher Conferences! You can also click the link HERE. Please only sign up for 1 conference time. We can't wait to discuss all the AMAZING things your child has done this year!