What We Are Learning
Language Arts:
This week in Readers Workshop we will finish our unit on
Looking Closely At Familiar Books to Learn and Read More!
Yay! Our next unit is Super Readers!
In Writer's Workshop we will continue to launch a more independent Writing Workshop by continuing our new Writing Journal, brainstorming ideas, sharing our ideas, and using a checklist to focus on:
Traits of Good Writers:
-Start with a capital
-Leave finger spaces between words
-End with punctuation (. ? !)
We will also get two new SNAP Words:
Library Day
F2F Learners can return Library books on Monday 11/2 and check out a new book!
Virtual learners, please click HERE for information on checking out a book from our library!
In Math this week, we will review comparing numbers. We will be able to compare numbers using our math manipulatives and number lines. We will use the words "greater," "less," "more," and "fewer" to compare groups of objects and numbers. We will also come up with numbers that are just one more and one less than a given number.
We will continue our study on Magnets and how we use in our daily life at home and school. Magnets can be found almost everywhere! We are going to design and create a Magnet Maze this week by using a paper plate and the round magnets you have at home/school. I can't wait to see what you designed!
Social Studies:
Thank you all very much for sending the sweet pictures of your family with pumpkins. I hope you enjoy the slide show that I created with all your wonderful pictures! Enjoy!
Next week in Social Studies, we will be discussing the Presidential Elections coming up on Tuesday. We will also begin our Unit on Patriotic Symbols of the United States. We will practice reciting the US Pledge and Texas Flag.
Ms. Martin's Principal Newsletter:
Calendar Dates:
Thursday, November 5th - FALL Picture Day!
November 23rd - November 27th - NO SCHOOL / Fall Break!
Important Reminders / Announcements:
Picture Day
Picture day is Thursday, November 5th. Face to Face learners will take their pictures in the morning. If you are virtual learner, you should have received an e-mail from Mrs. Fairchild about signing up for a picture day time slot. If you would like to order your child's pictures please click HERE.
iPad Info - Zoom Single Sign On
Also, all students will need to complete the Zoom Sign on ASAP. CISD is updating and changing zoom settings so your child will no longer be able to log into our class zoom meetings without being signed in. Please click HERE for step by step zoom instructions.
Zoom Expectations:
Will you please take some time to review Zoom Expectations with your child? All students both virtual and F2F students are participating in some zooms and we have really been working on using our best manners on zoom! This will help everyone have a great learning experience! Thank you!