What We Are Learning!
Language Arts:
This week in Readers Workshop we will start a new unit on Looking Closely at Familiar Books!
We will practice reading words on the page and adding fluency!
In Writer's Workshop we will learn two SIGHT WORDS! We call these words SNAP words because once we learn them we want to know them in a SNAP! This week we will focus on the words "are" and "the." We will continue working on show and tell writing in our writing journals. We will keep working on our
I like sentences and learn how to add another sentence on a single topic! For Example:
"I like pumpkins.
Pumpkins are orange!"
In Phonics we will keep practicing our letter names and sounds!
Library Day
F2F Learners can return Library books on Monday and check out a new book!
In Math this week, we will be learning all about ADDITION! We will be learning different strategies for addition. Right now we will focus on mastering our addition skills from 0-5, so that we can continue to build on them throughout the year!
This week in science, we will be starting our unit of Energy Sources!
We will learn about heat, light, and sound. We will have a great time!
Social Studies:
We will learn about GROWTH MINDSET!
We will talk about how you can grow your mind, set goals, and never give up!
Ms. Martin's Principal Newsletter:
For this week's newsletter click HERE!
-Info about online bookfair
-2nd 9 Weeks Commitment Forms
-PTO Meeting this week on Zoom!
Important Reminders / Announcements:
Zoom Expectations:
Will you please take some time to review Zoom Expectations with your child? All students both virtual and F2F students are participating in some zooms and we have really been working on using our best manners on zoom! This will help everyone have a great learning experience! Thank you!
NWEA MAP Testing for all Kindergarten Students:
Sometime in the next few weeks your child will be taking a digital assessment on their school issued iPad. The assessment is called MAP and it covers the information your child will need to know this year in the areas of reading and math. The students will take this assessment once at the beginning of the year and then again at the end of the year. The purpose of this assessment is to help drive instruction, individualize student learning, and track growth and progress over time.
If you could please update your child's iPad and click the link below to run the diagnostics prior to our test date we would appreciate it. This will ensure that your child (virtual and face to face) will be ready to test with their class. Please click the link below for more info.
Also, please be sure you have downloaded the GOOGLE CHROME App on your child's iPad. This can be found in Manager.
The testing dates will be announced soon!
Calendar Dates:
Monday, October 12th - Student / Staff Holiday No School!
Daily Reminders for Virtual Students:
-Please remember that all work must be completed on the day it was assigned prior to 11:59 p.m. to receive credit.
-Please be sure your child is participating in the specials courses as well as the core subject areas!
Daily Reminders for Face to Face Students:
-Please send your I Pad to school each day fully charged!
-Please remember a snack and a full water bottle every day!
-Please put names in jackets and sweaters as the weather cools down!