Friday, April 20, 2018

The Eggs are Hatching!

We are so excited that it is about time for our CHICKS to start HATCHING! We have loved learning all about the life cycle of a chicken and all about how an egg becomes a chick. We have watched our sweet eggs for 21 days, and it is finally time for the chicks to arrive!

They *should* hatch on Monday, but there is always the slight chance that they come a little early. 
We will have the live stream going ALL weekend if you would like to check in on them! Your child's teacher will send out an e-mail if there is something exciting to tune in and see!

Check out our livestream!

Learners will have contact with the baby chicks by holding them and caring for them in their environment. The chicks will be kept in their farm habitat (enclosed) in A-hallway during the week. Learners will wash their hands immediately after having contact with the baby chicks. 

We are so excited for your child to have this wonderful hands on experience to fully understand the life cycle of chicks.

April 23rd - 27th

What We're Working on This Week:

First Grade Curriculum:
Language Arts

This week in Language Arts we will be working on our poetry unit!!  We are having so much fun illustrating poems and writing some of our own too!  We are so excited to show you our poetry folders at the end of our unit!  Spelling Lists and Book Bags will come home Monday!!  Everyone is doing great, keep it up! 

Social Studies

In Social Studies we will continue our unit on Map Skills, Land Formations, and Directions. We will be learning about the topography of our country as well as focusing on why maps are important to us and how to use them!  We are also doing some fun Social Studies Stations! 


This week we will be learning all about fractions! We will be practice separating wholes into equal parts. We will learn about halves and fourths. We are so excited to build a really strong foundation in fractions that will help us for the rest of our math career!


We are learning all about habitats! We are researching all about different habitats and the animals that live there. We will learn about the arctic, desert, forest, rain forest, wetland, and ocean habitats! We will also learn about how animals adapt and survive in these habitats.

Important Dates:

April 20th - TCE HOEDOWN
May 3rd - Kindergarten Roundup
May 14th, 15th, 16th - STAAR Testing for 3rd, 4th, and 5th
(please no visitors on these days!)
May 18th - Field Day

Other Important Information

Tonight is our TCE Hoedown! This is such a fun event for our learners. We hope to see you all there!
And you might just see your favorite first grade teachers manning the cotton candy/popcorn stations! :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Field Trip Fun!

We had so much fun on our Field Trip to AT&T Stadium! One of our sweet fifth graders he has created a video of all the pictures we took!

Friday, April 6, 2018

April 9th - 12th

What We're Working on This Week:

First Grade Curriculum:
Language Arts

This week in Language Arts we will continue to learn about parts of speech by discussing adjectives and verbs.  We will be adding some adjectives to our journal writing and adding it to our new journal checklist!  We have become such good writers!  We will also begin a new spelling unit on words with -ow sound.  Spelling test will be on Thursday, April 12th.  Book bags will go home Monday and be due back on Thursday, April 12th as well!  We are working hard to polish our writing and reading skills as we begin to get ready for 2nd Grade!!! 

Social Studies

In Social Studies we will begin a new unit on Map Skills, Land Formations, and Directions.  We will be learning about the topography of our country as well as focusing on why maps are important to us and how to use them! 


This week we will be finishing our learning all about 2D and 3D shapes! We will be making google slideshows with shape riddles. We will also be doing some fun hands-on stations to finish up our unit!


We will be learning all about animal adaptations and how animals have certain features to help them survive in their environment! We will learn about their coverings and how they move to help them survive!

We are also SO excited to be observing chicken eggs as they incubate! They arrived on Monday. We will incubate them for 21 days, and then we will watch as they hatch! We have a camera set up with a live-stream of the incubator, so you can watch the eggs at home. We will also have the live-stream going when the chicks are hatching!!

Important Dates:

April 10th and 11th- STAAR Testing for 4th and 5th 
(please no visitors on these days!)
April 13th - No School (Professional Development Day)
April 20th - TCE Hoedown 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
May 14th, 15th, 16th - STAAR Testing for 3rd, 4th, and 5th
(please no visitors on these days!)
May 18th - Field Day

Other Important Information

It is already time for spring conferences! Information will be coming home in your child's green folder about signing up for a spring conference!  Please let us know if you have a conflict! 

TCE Hoedown / Spring Auction 2018

We are gearing up and getting ready for our favorite and biggest fundraiser for the year for TCE! Our annual TCE Hoedown will be Friday, April 20th from 5:00-8:00pm. We need everyone who can help volunteer in order to pull off this great event for our kiddos and the community.