What we’re
Workin’ on this week..
This week we will be working on some cute and fun gifts for our Muffins for Mom Day, on Friday, May 6th! We are keeping our fun gifts a secret so don't ask too many questions!!! :)
We will also keep working on our reading and writing skills! I am so proud of everyone! They are doing an awesome job in their writing journals as well as on their reading books and book bags! Thanks for all your help and support at home!
We will also keep working on our reading and writing skills! I am so proud of everyone! They are doing an awesome job in their writing journals as well as on their reading books and book bags! Thanks for all your help and support at home!
We have been working hard on addition and subtraction! We have learned so many strategies and most of us have found what strategies work best for us!
We will be introducing mixed addition and subtraction problems and knowing what to do when we see a plus sign or a minus sign.
(Our decomposing and composing of numbers that we have been working on is helping us solve our problems so quickly! If your child is still struggling with this, please continue to work with them on building numbers- 3 can be decomposed into 2 and 1, 5 can be decomposed into 3 and 2..)
*As a challenge, have your child write an addition or subtraction story problem and solve it using their favorite strategy!
We have been working on collecting data and turning it into a graph! As a challenge, have your child collect data and turn it into a graph of their choice! ( We have polled our classes on favorite ice cream, favorite animals, favorite vegetables. You and your child to take a walk and collect information on what animals you see on your walk, or what types/kinds of different things you see) I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Click here to print a premade empty graph to fill out
We will be introducing mixed addition and subtraction problems and knowing what to do when we see a plus sign or a minus sign.
(Our decomposing and composing of numbers that we have been working on is helping us solve our problems so quickly! If your child is still struggling with this, please continue to work with them on building numbers- 3 can be decomposed into 2 and 1, 5 can be decomposed into 3 and 2..)
*As a challenge, have your child write an addition or subtraction story problem and solve it using their favorite strategy!
We have been working on collecting data and turning it into a graph! As a challenge, have your child collect data and turn it into a graph of their choice! ( We have polled our classes on favorite ice cream, favorite animals, favorite vegetables. You and your child to take a walk and collect information on what animals you see on your walk, or what types/kinds of different things you see) I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Click here to print a premade empty graph to fill out
We will continue next week with learning about Force and Motion. Can you move a ball without touching it? Learners will predict, graph, count, Tally, and reflect on "Bowling Experiment" to see if they can move a ball without touching. Learners will complete an Activity Reader on Positional Words.
Social Studies
We will continue to learn about Landforms in Social Studies. We will create a flip book about our Earth. We will learn how landforms have a characteristic shape and can include features as plains, plateaus, mountains, and valleys, etc., and smaller features such as hills and canyons.
Important Dates...
May 6th - Kindergarten Muffins for Mom- In kindergarten classrooms- 8:15
May 9th, 10th and 11th- STAAR TESTING (upper grades) No visitors.
May 20th- Field Day!!
May 30th- No school! Memorial day
June 2nd- Last day of school
Design Challenge:
We are having another design challenge this month to showcase our students' creative and innovative ideas! Your child may create any kind of insect/ bug using various types of materials for us to display on our front bulletin board or in the library. We cannot wait to see all of the creative ideas you will come up with!
Library News:
The 2015-2016 school year is quickly starting to come to an end! The library has asked that we let you know a few dates that will be coming soon to return your books by!
Friday, May 13th- Last day for students to check out books from TCE
Friday, May 20th- all library books are due!
*If you are unsure if you still have a book out, feel free to send Ms. Montgomery an email at amontgomery@coppellisd.com
Field Trip
The field trip was a huge success! We had the best time and were able to learn so much from our presenter, Judy. Thank you all for sending your child with everything they needed for the day! Thank you to everyone who was able to chaperone! We could not have done this without you and we truly appreciate you helping us with groups! It went seamlessly because of all the help we had! Thank you again!
Due to state regulations, we will not be able to have any visitors on STAAR testing days. Our last round of tests will be on May 9th, May 10th and May 11th. Thank you so much for your understanding!